Each hollow wooden shape is precision built using a proprietary industrial manufacturing process. Hard and softwood trees are ecologically harvested locally near our factory in Europe. We are proud to use no foam at all.

Wood veneer is cut from logs that have been steamed for several days. The wood veneer is then used for the micro laminates on the frames and decks of each board. The veneer is kiln dried and glued.

The more complex shapes (rails, nose) are automatically CNC milled. The frame is laser cut and inserted between the decks. The decks and frame are glued with high-strength adhesive forming a very strong and lightweight hollow wooden surfboard.

After manufacturing the surfboard blanks, they are glassed using Entropy Epoxy glass for waterproofing the boards. Our proprietary process allows us 100% scalability and accuracy with practically no variation in the quality of the finished product.

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